Monday, April 19, 2010

Crazy Shit we did growing up

buck buck
In 5th grade, we occasionally played a game during lunch known as "buck buck". Here's the drill: We would all line up about 20 feet from a pine tree. the first person in line would go up and bend at the waist and hug the tree. The next kid in line would then run toward the tree as fast as possible and at the last second, jump up and land on the back of the tree hugger. He would then slide down and grab on to his waist bent over as well. Each person in line would then repeat this, but trying to jump as far up the line landing on the back of the pack toward the tree as possible. This continued until everyone had jumped. We'd then repeat this until our backs were killing us.

Another great game was "knuckles".
The rules were simple. Two kids would draw cards from a deck. The kid with the lowest card lost. The winner would then get the priviledge of rapping the edge of the deck against the knuckles of the loser. The number of raps was the card that the loser had, with face cards being 10. Now, to inflict maximum damage to the skin of the loser, you had to hold the deck just right. You hold the deck in your hand like you were shaking hands with somebody, with the card deck sticking out the front. the loser would make a fist with knuckles toward the winner. The winner would then swing the deck down with the edge of the deck just grazing the knuckles, with the hopes that it would remove skin. We would return to class with bleeding hands, but we'd cover them up so the teacher would not know what we had been doing.

Rough, Tough, and Tumble.
Now this was the funnest game ever.
It was roughly football, but with these rules.
1. Every man for himself.
2. The goal was to advance to the goal line, scoring a point.
3. Who ever was "it" would line up at the line of scrimmage and throw the ball back over his head toward the rest of the kids who were all gathered in the backfield, a few yards back. The kid that got the ball would then take off toward the goal line. Sounds simple until you realize that there were no rules about contact. The other dozen kids could kick, punch, grab, or any other method necessary to stop the person with the ball. You would go down with 12 people piled on you, all trying to get the ball. Who ever got the ball was then "it". Play repeats until somebody got a goal. We would return to class completely exhausted, beat up, dirty, and usually with some sort of clothing damage. and usually with a mild headache.
Please compare this to today's "sport" of soccer where kids run around in 100 dollar outfits never even breaking a sweat and never touching another human. With their parents on the sidelines all sitting in lawn chairs yelling at the kids, coaches, and referees about how their kid is not getting enough play time.

rolls in window
On the way back from the cafeteria, we passed the music building (remember that we ate at the college cafeteria). There was always this one window open up on the 2nd floor. So we started saving our rolls ("bricks" as we called them) so when passing the building, we would stop and hurl them at the window. we always got 2 or 3 in there. We figured it was some janitor's closet, and how we came upon that decision i have no idea. It was when i started collage there, majoring in music, that I finally found out what that room was. It was the office of our top music professor. he has perfect pitch and a degree from the Julliard school of music, quite possibly the most prestigious music school in the country.

food delight
We used to create culinary masterpieces in the lunchroom with our leftovers from lunch. Once I made this fantastic "Upside-down Pineapple Cake with Mashed Potatoes and Peas". A teacher wandered by and made me eat the whole thing. It was disgusting, but not as disgusting as the teacher. Bastard.

floating table suspended for 8 days but kept up on school work.
One day at lunch there were 8 of us sitting at our regular table when we just started lifting the table up with our knees. We quickly discovered that if we worked as a team we could get our trays to start sliding up and down the table like a wave. Well, wouldn't you know it, one of the teachers came along and ruined our fun. For some reason, they singled me out as the ringleader and suspended me for EIGHT DAYS. I've never heard of anybody being suspended for more than 3 days. But the funny part was that they let me take my school work home so i could keep up with the class. So I got an 8 day vacation.
peed out window
crowd the door

Gilligan's ISland
Me and the other boys once sat down and attempted to name every gilligan's island episode. we came up with 101. Wikipedia claims there were 98. so we did pretty good if you ask me.

miss kemp paddles
In 9th grade, me and Randall had this small roundish woman for algebra. She was really sweet and a good teacher. She also gave out "licks" with a paddle for poor behavior. She couldn't hit that hard so me and Randall began a contest on who could take the most licks. We would ask Mrs. Kemp for licks at the end of class, in front of the whole class. Randall finally won with 35 in a row.

safety glasses, 14 pair
One time our 8th grade teacher (Mrs. Hyde, the one that smoked her chaulk one time) came in class and Randall was wearing 14 pairs of safety glasses.

jumped the railroad tracks

saw holy grail 27 times

traded vodka for naked lady cards
When I was in about 5th grade or so, some kid brough a deck of "naked lady cards" to school. they were pretty tame, but boy did they get us going. I wanted some and the kid told me that if I brought some vodka , he would gtrade
painted on water tower
Me, my brother, and ricky lived across the street from a big huge water tower. Once our friend Gregg found a cassette tape where he said "I tried calling Ch-Charles, mom". I guess somebody in the room had this tape running while Gregg was talking to him mom. Anyway, one night me and Brian climbed the tower with a gallon of paint and painted on the side in 6 foot tall letters "I tried calling Ch-Charles, mom". Gregg thought this was pretty funny, but we did not get the reaction we had hoped for. It stayed on the tower for like, a year.

flush cans down drain
When in about 5th grade, we were outside next to the building and there were a couple of teachers nearby that were bored and thus watching our activities. they noticed that we were all hovered together looking intentely at something on the ground. then one of us would run inside, then reappear a moment later, scrambling to get back to the gang. curiosity got the best of these teachers so they came up to see what the heck was going on. We were gathered around a cleanout trap in the sewer line watching various objects fly by in the pipe as we took turns flushing them down the toilet. The teachers were faciniated and gave no beatings or anything.

We went to school in a pretty old building, and the windows were starting to fall out because all the putty had dried up that holds the glass in place. They hired a painting crew to come out and re-putty all the windows (probably a couple of hundred). Well, me and the gang thought this fresh putty was really cool to make things out of, so we went around the building peeling off huge pieces of putty off the windows. Mrs. Clark came along and made the bust. She marched us all to the principle's office, and we were all hiding our balls of putty behind our backs, thinking that he wouldn't see them or something. MRs. Clark said "put on the desk. Be careful what you ask for.... We plopped down a half a dozen basket ball sized balls of putty. It made a mound on the desk the size of a ottoman. We had to all chip in and pay for the repairs.

smoking in the attic
Like many boys, Randall and I started fooling around with cigs in about 6th (roughly). We would buy a pack of Marlboros (back then slore owners could care less who bought smokes), climb up in his attic and light up. We would smoke one after another until the entire pack was gone. Once we had this great idea of trying to smoke an entire pack all at once. We rubber-banded 20 cigs together in a bundle and fired it up. This thing was like torch, bellowing smoke out the tail end. We took a few hits and decided that this adventure was not nearly as fun as we had anticipated.

to do...
bikes into rack
ride the bushes

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