How a single sentence derailed Jewel's career
When Jewel first hit the scene, she released a decent song "who will save your soul" which had a really good video; gritty, saturated colors, etc. People loved her because she had those cute slightly crooked teeth like linda rondstaht, and also the story that she used to live in her car. Well, then all of the sudden she starts putting out these whiny songs about lame stuff, and then wham, she writes "you were meant for me", an absolute nightmare of a song. Dripping with whine, and the one line that put her career to a dead end... "Put on my pjs and hop into bed". The public no longer had money to buy her albums because they had to spend it on anti-nausea medicine. Violent vomiting was reported to be widespread across the country when this song hit the radio. AT the point when she uttered this pathetic line, you could see car doors opening all down the highway with people hurling out on the road.
what a stupid name for a movie.
I have determined that the unemployment rate in Austin runs around 35%.
you can go around town at any time during the middle of the day in the middle of the week, when everybody SHOULD BE AT WORK, and the roads are clogged solid. that means nobody is working.
one of the WORST songs ever done was that incredibly stupid "she's gonna be somebody's baby tonite..." song. i dont know who wrote it, but they should be beat and then shot. HOLY SHIT! this is by that moron jackson browne too! same as the stupid pretender, lender, sender, legal tender song. well, it is official, this guy is a total loser.
Out of all the cities I have been to in the world, I found Boston to be the most boring, and annoying. there are a list of historic sites to see and they are all separated by many many city blocks and sometimes having to cross under traffic jammed interstates along shitty roads and such. the restaurants in the center city were jammed and smokey and hot and irritating.
the traffic there is even worse that Austin, which is saying a lot.
this guy "Jackson Brown" which is basically two last names has this song where he rhymes like every possible thing he can think of:
pretender, sender, lender, legal tender, mender, gender, fender, and so on.
It's a stupid song and that's all i have to say about that.
I have tried SO HARD to like Radiohead. They are my heros because they made that no-talent ass clown miley cyrus look like the complete childish spoiled idiot that she is, but I just cannot seem to get into their music. I find it droning and bland. And yes, i know that it is totally hip to like Radiohead and no doubt they are talented, which discourages me because that means I am not hip. But I like Daft Punk and the Racontes, does that count??
GOOD news! I was out running on town lake trail and had a one hour rant on how stupid these middle aged jocks look (late 30s to mid 40s) trying to act like they are speedsters because they dress hip. HAHAHA! they are big fat nobodys. They are hardened with chisel jaws and a rough looking haircut with a mean look on their face. They wear overly trendy shoes that are expensive and have like a 2 inch heel full of gel and air and all sorts of nonsense. They hang out with bimbos sometimes. They wear those slinky silky running shorts that look mostly like girls panties. If they wear a shirt it is usually some sort of muscle shirt so they can show off their fat. Body fat runs in excess of 12% with a heavy look. They work ouyt at the gym excessively resulting in a huge lumbering body.
The REAL runners look totally different and I shall describe them now.
The real runners fall into two catagories:
1. Aged seventeen through mid twenties. skinny as a rail, pale, almost-racing-flat shoes, no shirt, and a serious look on their faces. They have a "six pack" stomach not because they waste time in the gym, but because they have no body fat to hide those muscles. Probably in the 4% range. They run in groups and blow by the middle aged oakley-sunglass wearing jocks like a hurricane. These guys turn low 30s on a 10k and sixteen flat on a 5K.
2. The elite. You rarely see them on the trail because they have no time or interest in running near people. Usually very tall, very black, and even thinner and more serious than group one with a body fat of about 2%. They wear racing flats because their heels never hit the ground. These guys hit upper 20s on a 10k and in the fifteens on a 5K. They make the middle aged spring-shoe wearing jocks look like senior citizens rolling around in scooters shopping at HEB.
I'll see if I can find some pics of the chisel jaw guys.
I'll see if I can find some pics of the chisel jaw guys.
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