The numbers are hard to read in this chart (sorry). The stock opened at about $10 per share, then climbed steadily to $90 as the Croc-sensation took over the country. Then, as people realized how ridiculous they looked walking around in neon rubber clogs, the stock dropped to it's current share of price of about $1.50. I am so happy that the morons that started this craze have lost all their money. Well, many of them at least, I am sure several folks cashed out at $90 a share and headed for the beach, just like a good responsible business people do.
It escapes me how anyone can enjoy wearing such an offensive thing on their body, essentially a sweaty, dirty piece of rubber. I can't imagine a worse environment for human skin. Now on children, these foul things look marginally acceptable because they are neon and "cute", but on adults? Folks, you don't look cute and you don't look hip. You just look stupid and unattractive. Personally, i would rather wear shoes made of barbed wire than Crocs.
I don't know about the rest of the country, but here in Austin, slaps ("flip flops") rule. People, espcially hippies and girls aged 10 to 30, wear them 24 hours a day. What I find most amusing is to see girls out at night who have spent hours on their hair and make up and are wearing a stunning black dress, waddling around in slaps. Oh! but they are sooooo cuuute!!! look at the little diamonds on the black rubber thing! Girls; your attempt to be cute has just undone all that you just did to look nice. I once saw a group of high school kids that were on their way to the prom. The guys were all in tuxedos and looked fantastic. The girls were all waddling along in slaps. I felt bad for the guys, but at their age, they were just happy to be near a real breathing female.
I just don't get it; you spend an hour painting your toenails, and then walk around all night downtown on filthy streets so when you get home your fee are all dusty and dirty and stink like beer gutters that you have had to step through at every corner.
When I was a kid, we called these things "thongs" and only wore them to the beach.
The new hip shoe for girls is the "Ugg". It's a boot made in australia and is about a thousand times better looking than a slap.
These are uber sexy and I think the same as Princess Leigh wore in the 2nd Star Wars when there were on that frozen planet. Luke wandered off and got lost, so Han Solo had to go find him. By the time Han found Luke he was frozen and nearly dead. Han cut his Banta wide open with a light saber and stuffed Luke up in the Banta's guts and all to keep him warm. It looked disgusting but it worked. Rumor is that Han said that if Luke died he had dibs on the light saber.
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