Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It took me 40 minutes to copy a driver file from XP to a Vista machine

And I never got the file transferred

The details...
I needed to copy a driver file for a USB device I have from my xp machine to my vista machine.

  1. i cant find a single memory stick.
  2. i try to email it to myself.
  3. gmail wont let me because it is an executable
  4. i rename it to a .txt file and email it. gmail is too stupid to know it is really an .exe
  5. I am reminded that Obama really wants moms to return to school
  6. i go to vista and download the file but i dont see the extension so i cant change it from .txt to .zip.
  7. i dont know how to set vista to show extensions
  8. i go back to XP and use a CF card (as a thumb drive)to copy the files.
  9. i go to vista and it wont recognize the cf card.
  10. i go back to xp and use yahoo to xfer the file
  11. I go back to vista, open yahoo email and dont see the file.
  12. I realize i did not even have the correct device plugged in.
  13. I plug in the correct device that i need the driver for.
The driver installs normally.

I pretty much hate everything right now. I have little life left and i just wasted 40 minutes of it because of the despicable morons in Redmond. i hope microsoft goes out of business and steve balmer commits suicide.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Segway, Amazing Invention, or Worthless Crap?

If you have never seen a Segway, it is this little two wheeled "thing" that is supposed to me a personal transport vehicle. A long time ago some inventor got the idea for a very small vehicle that people could use to get around instead of a big car. It would respond to simple body movements; lean forward, it goes forward. pull back, it stops and then goes backwards. Word on the street is that this guys spent a pile of money developing this thing, maybe 200 large, maybe a million, but it does not matter, it was a shitload of money.

when I was bored to death in Montreal waiting for the Bjork show to start, I decided to go give one of these things a try at a rental place. For fifty bucks you get to ride around a little bit for maybe 30 minutes. But of course they dont trust you so one the guys there has to go along with you.
They start out giving you a little traing course and yes, it was pretty easy to figure out. I was the only one there, and for good reason, it started raining. they were nice enough to give me a raincoat for the ride. I asked lots of questions while riding, like "How do you lock it up if I want to park outside a store and go inside?". "You can't lock it". "Well, what keeps anybody from stealing it?". He informed me that it was designed to roll inside the store. It did not matter if you took the key with you, I could pick up this thing and throw it in the back of a pickup truck pretty easy.
The inventors actually thought that people would drive this thing right through the front door, into the elevator, then to their desk, work the day, and then ride it home.
It has a pretty short range, I think under an hour for sure. It costs a lot of money, I think $4,000 or so.
The best complment I can give this thing is
"A worthless toy"