The details...
I needed to copy a driver file for a USB device I have from my xp machine to my vista machine.
- i cant find a single memory stick.
- i try to email it to myself.
- gmail wont let me because it is an executable
- i rename it to a .txt file and email it. gmail is too stupid to know it is really an .exe
- I am reminded that Obama really wants moms to return to school
- i go to vista and download the file but i dont see the extension so i cant change it from .txt to .zip.
- i dont know how to set vista to show extensions
- i go back to XP and use a CF card (as a thumb drive)to copy the files.
- i go to vista and it wont recognize the cf card.
- i go back to xp and use yahoo to xfer the file
- I go back to vista, open yahoo email and dont see the file.
- I realize i did not even have the correct device plugged in.
- I plug in the correct device that i need the driver for.
I pretty much hate everything right now. I have little life left and i just wasted 40 minutes of it because of the despicable morons in Redmond. i hope microsoft goes out of business and steve balmer commits suicide.